The myth about management and managing

Photo credit: Nik MacMillan
'Managing' is often perceived as someone at the top coordinating tasks to people in her/his team. This perception is both outdated and lazy. Management comes from all sources and directions.
If you’re part of a team, any team, then recalibrate your perception.
Manage up.
This isn’t about 'sucking up' to your manager.
It’s about being a TEAM PLAYER.
It’s about understanding the goals that need to be achieved for the good of the team.
It’s about putting your TEAM first, and asking, ‘what can I do to help achieve our team's aims more efficiently and effectively?’
It includes managing your manager's time. It’s helping them meet their targets. It’s going above and beyond the tasks that have been allocated to you.
Managing up gives you CREDIT. You gain TRUST and build FAITH in your ability. That in turn enables you to grow in CONFIDENCE. It increases your level of INFLUENCE within your manager's circle.
With influence, you can then try to achieve your own goals and GROW.
So, if you see your peers are moving up in their career faster than you, then this could be one of the reasons why.
Manage up.
Do you agree?