Career talk to Law students on "Alternative Careers for Law Graduates"

On 26 February 2019, Star Anise Legal's Managing Director, Annie Tang, moderated a panel discussion on the topic of “Alternative Careers for Law Graduates” to law students studying at the University of Hong Kong. Annie and her co-panelists, Betty Chung (Director of Business Development for a US law firm), Jenny Chung (Senior Vice President Regulatory Compliance with a Regulator) and Hervien Yeung (Legal Assistant with a Regulator) had studied law and had either initially embarked upon a legal career or embarked upon a career outside of legal practice since graduation or after their initial legal career.
The Panelists shared their market insights, experiences and knowledge with the students on possible careers outside of law in different industries as well as provided tips on internships and jobs interviews.
65 students from all levels, including undergraduate, JD, LLM, PCLL and postgraduate students registered to listen to the talk. Students were actively engaged throughout the talk and interacted with speakers by asking questions.
Annie commented "It was an excellent opportunity for the co-panelists and myself to engage with the student community and to share our diverse work experiences gained in different industries as well as to share some insight into what prospective employers are looking for."
We very much enjoyed participating in the careers talk and we would like to thank our guest speakers as well as Susan Yu and Augustine Hung from the University of Hong Kong for arranging it. We hope the students have gained better career insights and some useful tips after the talk, deepening their understanding on diverse professions in the market which they can consider exploring after graduation.
About Star Anise
Star Anise is a leading independent recruitment firm based in Hong Kong specialising in the fields of legal and compliance recruitment. Founded by two former practising Big Law lawyers, since 2010 we have grown into one of the most trusted and reliable names in the legal and compliance recruitment field, acting for major international law firms, conglomerates, banking and financial institutions, listed companies, regulatory bodies and multi-national companies.
With expert knowledge of the legal and compliance jobs markets in Hong Kong, we cover skilled and qualified professionals at all levels ranging from private practice partners and lawyers, general counsels and in-house counsels, CCOs and compliance professionals, company secretaries, and support staff.
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